Modifying Times

If your employee forgets to clock in our out from our time clock program, our modify times feature allows you to easily correct and/or add missed times.  When times are modified or added, the software automatically creates an audit tracking record so that you can know what clock in and out times have been added or modified and who added or modified the time entries.

The process for modifying times is different depending on the version of TimeClick you are running. To check your version, open TimeClick, click the Help header option, and then About TimeClick.

TimeClick 2018

The following video will walk you through the various steps in our modify times feature for version TimeClick 2018. The video transcript is below.

To add or modify employee times in TimeClick, enter Administration mode by selecting Admin in the upper right corner of the screen. Type in your admin password, click OK. Select Modify Times

On the left is a list of employees. You can select an employee’s name from the list or use the bar here to do a quick search.

Once you select an employee, the option to Modify Employee’s Times becomes active. Select Modify Employee’s Times. A calendar is shown highlighting the current pay period. Use the calendar to select the day you wish to modify. If the day to modify is in a different pay period, use the navigation below the calendar to move between pay periods. On the left of this window, you will see a list of days. Days that are bolded have a time entry, either a clock action or another time. Faded days have no time entry. To add a time, either click Add Action or double click in the list “Add Action.”

This opens a new window where you can select the clock action, time, and leave a comment. Click OK when finished. If you need to input another type of action such as sick or vacation time, mark the bubble next to Choose Other Action. Select the desired action from the drop-down menu and enter the hours on the right side. You can approve this time immediately after inputting it here. When Approve is selected, it shows on this list as approved.

Selecting the action allows you to deny or edit the action if needed. When you switch an action from Approved to Denied, a dialog box will appear asking you to confirm that you do want to deny this action. When Yes is selected, you are asked if you wish to notify the employee. If you select yes, that employee will receive a message notifying them of the change. If you select No, the action will be denied without sending a message to the employee.

To edit an existing action, select it in the list and click Edit Action. A window will appear where you can change the action or the time. You can also leave a comment which will show on the report. If needed, you can delete the action. Please Note: Deleting an action cannot be undone. Click OK.

A TimeClick quick tip: to edit a time faster, use the hotkey Shift while clicking on the part of the action you wish to edit in the list. You may also right click on an action in the list to edit or add an action.

Once you are finished adding or modifying times, click Save Changes. In the bottom right corner click OK. You now know how to modify or add an employee’s time.

TimeClick 10, LE, LE1 SP1, LE 12, and LE16

The following video will walk you through the various steps in our modify times feature for versions 10, LE, LE SP1, LE12, and LE16. Below is the video transcript.

For more accurate time tracking, TimeClick allows you to modify or alter employee’s times. In this video, I will show how to fix an employee’s
time, should they forget to clock in or out. Under the administration mode of TimeClick, select the Modify Times tab. Select the employee whose names you need to alter or add. Enter the date range to review and select Accept.

I will now explain the different options for modifying times. You would use the Modify a Day tab if you need to add or modify a clock entry previously entered. Or add on a clock entry for a specific day. Here you see Add A Day you would use this feature is there were no clock actions already performed on that day that need to be entered.

First I will show you how to modify a day.
Upon selecting the tab, we see that there are already clock actions logged for this day. To edit a clock in or out time you would click on the action and press Select. You can now make alterations to this clock action. Note that you will only select the Last Action – Update Employee Status box if you want this action to be the last action displayed on the main interface of TimeClick. If you do not check this box then the employee status on the main screen will not be changed. The reason we have this box is because if you were modifying a time from a week ago, you would not want to change the employee’s current status. When you are finished select Ok. Still under the Modify A Day, you see Add Time.

This feature is for adding a clock action for that day, not altering one. Let’s say that the employee forgot to clock out. You would select Add Time and enter in the action, the hours and minutes, and a message, if desired. If the employee has left for the day, we will want to update the employee’s status. By checking the box and selecting Ok. I will now demonstrate how to Add a Day. Again, this option is for entering clock actions when no other actions were performed that day. To add a day, we first need to select that date from the calendar. We do this by clicking on the calendar, selecting the date, selecting Finished, and then selecting Add A Day. Now select Add Time and enter in the clock action, the hours and minutes, and you may enter a message if desired. Once again, you will only select the Last Action – Update Employee Status box, if you want this clock action to be set as the employee’s most recent entry. When you are finished, select Ok. Now you know how to modify or alter your employee’s times.

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